Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Zoom is when you use more power to look at it more clearer, its like using a magnification class to see much more clearer, you could find the option by right clicking your mouse

236)X-Y scatter chart

This is a chart that contains a X and a Y axis in Microsoft Office which contains line graphs, scattered dots, things n that nature


Worksheet is refered to as the Windows Word or Windows Excell work space, it could also be for the following program, "Paint"

234)works cited

It is basically a reference to a published and/or unpublished thing or source


A Workbook is excel's work area. It has many different cell in it with rows and columns

232)Work area

Work area is usually the default work area for a writing program or a microsoft office program. Usually, for excel its work area is a spreadsheetPost Options


WordArt is a way of designing your text.

230)Word wrap

Word wrap is probably something for text editing, text processing, etc.

229)Windows Based Application

A windows based application is mostly when a program is more focused on Windows than any other OS.


WildCard is basically something for identifying files.


Views means the number of people that has looked at your Microsoft Project or has looked at your youtube video

226)Vertical Axis

Vertical axis is up or down, north to south,  its usually used in a graph for Microsoft office.


Undo is when you are resetting what you did last time.


File:OracleSupportResistanceTrendLineChart.JPGWhen you could draw a line between two or more points


Transitions is like editing with video clips, changing slideshow, adding transitions, like effects

222)Track Changes

It basically means that you could track down the things you changed. Its also a tab on windows word


Toggle basically means tweaking with the settings.

220)Title Bar

Title bar has the maximization, minimization, and exiting out of the window, it also has the name of the window


Thesaurus is a dictionary that is on all Microsoft Office applications that could allow you too make the word you typed into a higher standard, or the same meaning, but different word/


Theme is basically like a style, which allows you too change the style font, everything in it.

217) Textbox controls

Text box controls controls your text, you could design, change font or do anything with it.


Text is the words that we type on too our keyboards. Like this, what im typing now.


Templates are different kind of themes that Microsoft Word and many other websites use to change and decorate anything its specified.

214) Taskbar

A taskbar is a system where it directs you too all programs, all windows, and all programs open


Tabs could be referred to many thingd. One thing it could be is switching sentences and another could be a tab, like a button to press

212) Table

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/59/Table-sample-appearance-default-params-values-01.gifA Table can be described a chart to put information in, anything like that

211)tab stop

Tab stop is the end of the sentence, usually when a paper runs out of width, to write it, its like a tab stop


A programming thing that formates statements in computer language


They are different words but some almost have the exact meaning to it.


File:Subscript superscript expert.pngA Superscript is a number, symbol, anything that shows a number or letter that is bigger or smaller than the rest


Sum is the answer to an additional problem. It is also a function in Excel which finds it for you.

206) Subscript

It is usually something that is designed in an array


A style is a different kind of slideshow or theme for your spreadsheet, slideshow or word.

204) Status BaR

A status bar is a bar that shows how that thing is progressing, what is the status of it.


Spreadsheets are sheets that are provided to you in excel. It contains multiple cells, more like a graph

202)Speaker notes

Speaker Notes are notes that are special notes that were added by the user.

201) Spacing After

Spacing After would mean you press the space bar which would actually take you to the next cell or to the next sentence

Saturday, November 27, 2010


SmartArt is a feature in PowerPoint that allows you too make a bubble graph, or any kind of diagram that you would use.

199)Small caps

Small caps means to make the text that you type smaller. If you would like to make them big, you would do caps lock


A Slope indicates how high, tall, small, or steep it is.

197)Slide/Outline Pane

Slide and outline pane are both panes that show you your slideshow in 2 different ways. You could find it in the slide pane to the right of powerpoint

196)Slide Show view

A Slide show view is a tab that allows you to see the slideshow, from slide to slide

195)Slide Pane

A Slide Pane is a pane that shows your sldies. Like ont he right or left side of your slide, it shows you your slide pane, where it shows all the sldies, you could customize and see it.

194) Slide Masters

Slide Masters is the dominate slide in PowerPoint. That slide controls all the other slides that are there.

193)Slide Master View

Slide Master View is the most important and needed view. When you change the Slide Master view, you change all the other slides that layed before it.

192)Sizing Handle

Sizing Handle is a handle that is seen if you press a image. It allows you too make the size of the image bigger or even smaller

191)Single Spaced

Single-spaced is use of text words that do not have any space between them.

190) Simple Payback Period

A Simple Payback Period is a period when you have to pay back the investment in a period of time.

189) Sigma

Sigma is used as the 18th letter of the greek alphabet. It is also a font type in Microsoft Office.

188)Shortcut menu

A shortcut menu is a menu that is shown when you right click on that specific object, it shows up with all these different commands