Monday, December 27, 2010

30)Secure Sockets Layer

a protocol developed by Netscape for moving private documents via the Internet.


Is a Term used to describe the process of inserting an object into a device or moving data into another location.


Lists of other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.


Its the right to copy,sell or repeat a product.

26)boolean Logic

Is a complete system for logical operations, used in many systems.


Is a website were the person created an account can talk about and update information on current events, past events, information on almost everything.


Is an open editing database allowing any user to add and update information, create new pages, etc. All done over the internet.

23)web app

Is an application that is accessed over a network. The most common is the internet.


  Is a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web.

21)Web Cache

Is used to help improve how fast data is opened while browsing the Internet.

20)Web 2.0

to be a word to describe the second generation of the World Wide Web

19)Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

It is a form of URI and is a standardized naming convention for addressing documents accessible over the Internet.

18)Social Networking Site

Is a site that brings users together who enjoy similar music tastes or other similar interests.

17)Really Simple Syndication(RSS)

Is XML-formatted text commonly used for distributing weblogs, news, or other content that is updated frequently.


The idea of a website or service that offers a broad range of services such as e-mail, games, quotes, search, news, stocks, etc.


Is an audio broadcast that is often listened to on a computer or downloaded to a MP3 player such as an iPod.


13)Internet Service Provider (ISP)

ISP is a company that provides Internet access to users or subscribers of its service.

12)Internet Protocol (IP) Address

Is an address of a computer or other network device on a network using IP or TCP/IP.

11)Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Is a set of standards that allow users of the World Wide Web to exchange information found on web pages.

10)Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

It is the markup language for web pages.

9)Home Page

Is the opening page for a website.


The retrieval of any item, like a page or a graphic, from a Web Server.

7)Geographic Imaging

Is images taken by a satellite and sent to a computer back on earth.

6)File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Is the simplest way to exchange files between computers on the Internet.


Is a group of computers and devices on a network that are administered as a unit with common rules and procedures. On the internet domains are defined by the IP Address.

4)Digital Certificate

Is an electronic credit card that establishes your credits when you have a  business or other transactions


Is a piece of text stored by a users web browser that can contain anything even personal information.


Is a computer that is hooked up to a computer network.


ActiveX is a framework that is defined, that you can reuse software components in programming language

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


It is like a virus but its a trojan thast keeps replicating itself.


It is a malware that inflects cookies, trojan too destroy and harm your computer

27)Urband Legend

Urban legend is a story that is told too be true

26)Trojan Horse

Its a trojan that acts as a anti-virus but actually is letting them in.

25)Time bomb

Time bomb is basically a virus in your computer that is ticking away to detonate and release the malware


Tele-conf is when you communicate from one another through technology using visual screens or phones.


Tagging is when you attach words or images too a blog or a comment.

22)RDF Summary

RDF is basically framework for a persons website data.

21)Pyramid Scheme

File:Pyramid scheme.svgA Pyramid Scheme is something were its a business models, which employee payments. deals or services, things in that nature


Is the act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be some type of real company


Are guidelines for posting messages to online services, and particularly Internet newsgroups.

18)Logic Bomb

It is a programming code added to the software of an application or operating system that is set to activate at a certain time. It is similar to a Trojan Horse.


When something is unfairly done and is wrong too do, an email that includes something that is fake.


When something is illegally done or is illegal to do. It could happen to internet hackers and things as such


Filtering is when something inputs data and probably transforms it into another data and then transforms into an output.

14)Windows Mail

Windows mail is an ordinary email address system formally called Express. But Windows Mail is much better at concerning with email and junk

13)User Agent

User Agent is basically a networking system that is often used in communicating with a client.

12)Text Messaging

Text Messaging is when you message people using your phone


Spam is email junk that was sent too you, but you don't know who that was, that person that sended to you was not in your Contacts List


Signature is a code or a type of writing that can be sended and will be identified to the sender