Friday, January 21, 2011

How technology will impact our future?

     I learned many things in this semester. This semester was a huge opportunity for me to advance my knowledge towards technology. Well, the first thing we learned is the basics of the computer and devices like a cellphone. We learned about input and output. After that, we learned on Microsoft Office. And it wasn't a ride in the park, it was pretty tough. We learned about Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel and the basics of there prior teachings. We also learned some commands on this keyboard like CTRL+Z and CTRL+A  And finally, the main thing we learned about Computer Fundamentals is respect. We learned too take these computers into care, not to do anything to them, leave them as they were new. I thank Mrs. Ramirez for that, thanks Mrs. Ramirez!
    These new skills will help me tremendously in my life. I learned how too use the computer more precisely and more academically than before. I use too know about computer's before this, but not as much as I know now. After im done taking CF, i will use this knowledge to work. I could help people that doesn't know one thing about computer's, instead of writing a essay, I could type one. Instead of drawing a graph, I could make a graph. There is infinite things on how these skills can help me work. I am just very grateful that I have this. These all could help me achieve my long time goals in all ways.
    Technology is very important for your career's. First of all, when your going to your first interview, and you need a resume, and you don't know how to do it, your going to write? How bad would that look. The boss wants someone who knows how to get the job done, someone that has experience, not someone who doesn't know how to use the computer. Even if you become a cashier, the manager wouldn't want someone that did not know one single thing about technology. How would you even work with the cash register. All these things add up. When you go too college, there going to ask you what your good at. And if they see you have no experience in technology, you wont get in.
    There are still a lot more things I would like too learn in technology. Even though Im not that interested in a career in technology, I still would like some common knowledge on it. I would love to know how to make a computer chip. It would be the best experience I would ever have. If one of my chip's broke, I would just make one for fun. It would be very fun. I would also love to know how to make a computer from scratch. How to make a computer, a keyboard, a headphone, and a desktop itself. I would be very entertained. Those are the only things I would want to learn. It would be a great experience.
      I would think I would go into Computer Programming. I'm not experienced, but i can do things like, change settings for a game, change what a calculator would say. Things like that. I would be very entertained in Computer Programming. It would be very cool too see my program in people's computer. It wont be a major career too me, but unless its something then nothing. I came into this high school for only 2 things. Good Education and Good knowledge towards technology. Thank you Mrs. Ramirez for this great experience!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Future

These are not definite major's. I dont know what im going to be. These are majors that I am interested in.
1. Law
-94% GPA
- 34,000 dollars tuition
- All test scores (SAT, ACT)
- Submitted Essay
-4 GPA average
-Good test scores (ACT, SAT, REGENTS)
- Essay describing the topic
-Teacher Recommendation
*Tuition: $32,896
*Room & Board: $14,183
*Health Insurance Fees: $2,830
*Books & Supplies: $1,904
*Misc. Personal Expenses: $3,177
c.Yale law school
- 4 GPA +
- Interview with supervisor
-40,000 dollars per year
- Good scores on your (ACT,SAT,)
2. Engineer
 a.ITT Technical Institute

-Have a high school diploma, G.E.D., or equivalent
-Meet with a representative of ITT Tech
-Pass an admissions test or have an acceptable score on ACT or SAT taken in the last five years or have earned either 36 quarter credit hours (or 24 semester or trimester credit hours) with an overall cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale from an accredited educational institution.
-Pay the admission processing fee

b Anthem Institute
-You must be able to speak and write English fluently
- You must be a high school graduate or have certification of high school equivalency (GED)
-You must have achieved a passing score on our Entrance Assessment Test
c.Berkeley Institute
-Fluent in English
- Teacher Recommendation
- A minimum of 2.0-4.0 GPA
- Interview
-10.000-20,000 tuition fee

3. Computer programmer
a.University of Phoenix
-Valid RN license for RN to BSN candidates
-1 year full-time work experience in the health care field
-A minimum GPA of 2.0
-Liability insurance of $1,000,000/occurrence

b.Standford University
- 4.0-5.0 GPA
- Good Essay
- Extra Curriculum Activities
- Well-thought out interview
- Good SAT, ACT, regents test grades
c. Princeton University

  • Essay(s) required
  • Required: SAT Reasoning Test or ACT
  • If submitting ACT, the writing section is required
  • Required: SAT Subject Tests
Very important admission factors:
  • Character/Personal Qualities
  • Class Rank 
  • Application Essay 
  • Recommendations 
  • Rigor of secondary school record 
  • Standardized Test Scores 
  • Talent/Ability 
    • Academic GPA
    • Extracurricular Activities
    • Interview 
    • Racial/Ethnic Status 
    • Volunteer Work 
    • Work Experience 

      Friday, January 14, 2011

      40-IC3 Certification Exam

      IC3 Certification Exam is a very good thing. It advances your computer skills,


        This guarantees privacy and between client/server applications

      38-Strong Password

      A strong password is basically a password that is really tough to crac, like for example. "Forever49347" is better than "hi12345"


      Spyware is when you go on the internet, it usually stops pop-ups and things like that


      A program and/or device that monitors data traveling over a network.


      a thing that was  developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet.


      RSI is a type of disease that has finger disease, its usually a numbness of fingers.

      33- Public Key

      A public key is for the public/ for everyone.

      33-Private Key

      A private or secret key is an encryption/decryption key known only to the party or parties that exchange secret messages.

      31- Keylogger

      A keylogger is basically a surveillance software that allows the person who controls it too see every thing you type on the computer

      Thursday, January 13, 2011

      30- Hardware firewall

      Hardware firewall is a backup that sometimes helps stop viruses into your computer, its like a antivirus.

      29- Hacking

      Hacking is an illegal action that allows another user into a public's computer allowing access and being able to put as many viruses as they were pleased

      28- Brute Force Attacks

      a strategy that can in theory be used against any encrypted data. It is basically like a virus.

      27-Browser Hijacker

      A malware that allows hacker to infect the users browser. For example, .E or Firefox

      26- Telecommuting

      Telecommuting is when your communicating with like a computer or a telephone or by text. Basically communicating using technology

      25- Online Learning

      Online Learning is basically you learning without Person-To-Person, its online connection. They are usually controlled by digital chalkboards or something like that. For example, TutorVista.

      24) Keyless Entry System

      A remote keyless system is a system designed to remotely allow or not allow access to premises or automobiles.

      23-E- Commerce

       the phrase is used to describe business that is conducted over the Internet using any of the application

      22- Digital Crash

      Its when a computer fails digitally, it could e a hardware problem or even a overheating problem

      21- Critical Thinking

      Critical thinking is when you are thinking hard about the subject you are focusing on


       It is the exchange of services, information and products from one business to a government agency.


      The exchange of services, information and products from a business to a consumer.


      the exchange of services, information and products from one business to another

      17- Wildcard character

      A special symbol that stands for one or more characters.

      16- Wiki

      Wiki is a series of websites that contain many information and data about the world and history too.

      15- Trademark

      A name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer

      14- Shared Bookmark

      Shared bookmark is something that you put into storage in your computer for later and shared bookmark is when you can share it with the public

      13- Search Engine

      Search Engines are websites that have a search box that allows you too basically surf the web. When you type the specific keywords, it will match the keywords and give you your related search.

      12- Related Search

      Related Search is when you search something on a search engine and the search engine matches you up with the words to find your related search.

      11- Public Domain

      Public Domains are information and work's that are public and free and the public will be able to use.

      10- Podcatcher

      is a computer program used to download various things such as an RSS or XML feed

      9- Plaigiarism

      Plagiarism is a term used when you copy someone's work or idea. For example, if you copy the same text from a book and put it into your book, that's plagiarism

      8- Phrase searching

      A thing that allows users to search for documents containing an exact sentence or phrase, rather than single keywords.


      P2P is sometimes a thing that links us too other information, like downloading music, videos, songs, things like that

      6- News Feed

      News feed is basically a pop-up that comes up on your computer that tells you on important updates like a storm, or maybe you running out of hard- drvie space. Things like that

      5- Math Symbols

      Math Symbols are a way of codes that are used for programming like - or + or =.

      4- Link list

      A method of storing computer data


      Libel meaning "cyberlibel" is a way of defamation. Its usually saying someone writing false statements about another person.


      A keyword is a special type of key that has a special function or a special code


      It is the thing that identifies a unique record, it could be that or the stock exchange "indexes" whicch shows the stocks exchange up or down